
Main Changes:

normal enemies now begin to surround the player in a radius instead of just going in the same direction.

the collision dmg that the player deals is now nerfed when the player has I frames.

changed the luck system slightly hopefully making it a bit more balanced and have a bigger effect on item rarity.

Balance Changes:

Increased the base bullet speed of the weapon's and abilities slightly.

Changed Toolkits rarity from common to uncommon.

halved the effects of cosmic levels 5 and 6.

Small Changes:

changed the visuals of the flamethrower and mega bullet abilities.

changed the dash visual effect.

changed cosmic level scene making it so that you don't have to hover over the challenge level to see what it does.

Bug Fixes:

fixed some of the weapon and abilities stats being shown wrong in their workshop description and added more of their stats to their description.

fixed relic item icon sprites being plasma battery's icon sprite.

fixed risky bullet's icon sprite being plasma battery's icon sprite.

fixed player bullets and abilities speed being affected by your frame rate if its more then 60fps.

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